What is Brand?
The brand,to simply put, is a distinctive logo, symbol, letter, term, or a combination of these, used to build an identity that defines, represents, and distinguishes a product from its competitors.
It carries with it the level of quality and contentment in the mind of the user. The logo is often called a trademark and is called a logo name when it defines or represents a product.
Branded cloth
o Simply say, branded clothes bring with it, the unbelievable quality and contentment. They are far more superior in terms of look and quality as compared to non-branded clothes. Off course, for quality to become that attractive doesn’t come cheaply and Brands charges hefty amount with us for their clothes.
Opposite to non-branded clothing, branded clothes are costly because of their consistency level of all the material used, processes and finishes, packaging and others.
In some cases, branded clothes are that much costly that instead of buying one branded cloth, we could buy a pair or two of non-branded clothes.
Cheap or Non-branded Cloth?
First, we must shift our attention with the word cheap. Here, cheap doesn’t mean that- which can be affordable only by poor people. Cheap here means that the buyer, instead of going for the lavish or brand, chooses the one which suits him/her perfectly or we can say- the cloth is decent for them. It suits them so much that the clothes which are costly due to some or other brands attached with it is rejected by the buyer because the cheap or non-branded clothes wins the person’s first instance.
What are the differences between Branded Cloth and Cheap Clothes?
Price is the important factor for determining the branded and non-branded clothes. We all know there is a lot difference in a price between a branded and non-branded.
Quality is the second important factor as you can be assured of the quality of the branded clothes and can rely on, whereas non branded clothes do not work on quality as their aim is to deliver cheap clothes in the market.
Which option to prefer?
Many people said that Branded clothes and Non-Branded Clothes are two extreme poles as they can’t be compared in terms of Quality, looks or otherwise. of Course, we are not denying the fact, but we are asking you a simple question- What is the maximum tenure, you want your dress to remain with you? If you buy Branded clothes, it will be able to look nicer even after ample number of washing and doesn’t gets mutilated or torn easily and will work for you after two years also. This is not the case with Non-branded clothes which in most of the cases works very well in a year or two, but after that, if using inappropriately, will get torned.
But as a Human Being, we easily gets bored with a cloth, after using it for a while. So, from the above, we can conclude that humans like to use a cloth for a short term only. This short run varies differently for different people. For some, it is of a year, for others it is of two and after that they want a change in their collection. So, we can say that Non-branded clothes are the new fancy. Remember, we not influencing people to only buy Non-branded clothes but with this content, we are trying to change the perception of people attached with the Branded Clothes.
You can also decorate your wardrobe with a combination of Branded and Non-Branded Clothes.